Browsing by Author Ferreira, J.

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Showing results 65 to 84 of 112 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2019IoT power monitoring system for smart environmentsSantos, D.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2017ISCTE-IUL campus of things: An IoT approach towards a smart campusFerreira, J.; Rato, V.; Filipe, F.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019LoBEMS—IoT for building and energy management systemsMataloto, B.; Ferreira, J.; Cruz, N.ArticleOpen Access
2023Long term energy savings through user behaviour modeling in smart homesMataloto, B.; Ferreira, J.; Resende, R.ArticleOpen Access
2022Machine learning for detection and prediction of crop diseases and pests: A comprehensive surveyDomingues, T.; Brandão, T.; Ferreira, J.ReviewOpen Access
2020Machine learning for quality control systemSan-Payo, G.; Ferreira, J.; Santos, P.; Martins, A.ArticleOpen Access
2021Mining electric vehicle adoption of usersRodrigues, R.; Albuquerque, V.; Ferreira, J.; Dias, J.; Martins, A.ArticleOpen Access
2017Mining users mobility at public transportationBaeta, N.; Fernandes, A.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023Model-driven engineering techniques and tools for machine learning-enabled IoT applications: A scoping reviewMardani, Z.; Moin, A.; Silva, A. R.; Ferreira, J.ReviewOpen Access
2023Moderating effect of work-family conflict on the relationship between perceived organizational support and job and life satisfaction: A study during the COVID-19 pandemicSousa, C. de; Viseu, J.; Vincent, P.; Vinagre, H.; Romana, F. A.; Pissarra, J.; Ferreira, J.; Gestoso, C. G.ArticleOpen Access
2023Multi-tier supply chain behavior with blockchain technology: Evidence from a frozen fish supply chainTokkozhina, U.; Martins, A.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2020Named entity recognition for sensitive data discovery in PortugueseDias, M.; Boné, J.; Ferreira, J.; Ribeiro, R.; Maia, R.ArticleOpen Access
2024“Navigating through the digital swamp”: Assessing SME propensity for online marketplacesGonçalves, M.; Ferreira, F.; Dabić, M.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2015Oceans of energy? The non-linear trajectory of the emerging wave energy technologyFontes, M.; Sousa, C.; Ferreira, J.Working PaperOpen Access
2019Um olhar sobre a pobreza em Portugal e no BrasilValduga, T.; Ferreira, J.ArticleOpen Access
2023Organ donation and transplantation: Contributions of professionals on interprofessional work in programsNascimento, M. E. F.; Ferreira, J.; Santana, I. F. B.; Espírito Santo, I.ArticleOpen Access
2023O papel da inteligência artificial nos transportes e na logísticaMartins, A.; Ferreira, J.; Vale, J.Book ChapterOpen Access
2021The Philia project – for the successful integration of the young through their empowerment and social network developmentCojocaru, D.; Ferreira, J.; Hassaini, L.; Ionescu, I.; Saint-Martin, C. M.ArticleOpen Access
2023Política e cidadania Um modelo colaborativo em construçãoFerreira, J.; Álvarez-Pérez, P.Book ChapterOpen Access
2019Predictive analysis in healthcare: emergency wait time predictionGonçalves, F.; Pereira, R.; Ferreira, J.; Vasconcelos, J. B.; Melo, F.; Velez, I.Conference ObjectOpen Access